Trash and recycling

I am still considering what to do with my recycling. Do I make some sort of art with it, or is that in itself unhelpful because that could actually be recycled? So far I've just been hoarding it in my room. I have close to one bag full ALREADY. But on the bright side, I've been here close to two weeks and I haven't filled a trash bag yet! I'm gonna keep a tally on how much trash I produce this summer and keep you guys posted. 

Live, laugh, La Croix 

Live, laugh, La Croix 

I've been religiously listening to the "Stuff You Should Know" podcast and an episode that particularly took my interest was "How Landfills Work." I found out that on average American's produce 4.6 pounds of trash per day per person. YIKES! How can we be better at reducing the amount we waste? Although landfills are carbon neutral, it takes time and energy to remove trash and get it to those designated spaces. Whereas it takes far less energy to recycle an aluminum can into another aluminum can.

I've learned that when living in remote places, arguably the places that need trash and recycling services the most, have the hardest times doing so. Apparently, if living remotely, try to use aluminum products instead of glass. The glass is heavier and takes up more space whereas you can crush a soda can against your skull and reduce its service area by a bunch!! GOOD TO KNOW!!