Sequoia National Park

Disclaimer: Our campsite where we spent a great deal of time over the long weekend was at Lodgepole located in Sequoia so perhaps that is why we found substantially more trash there compared to Kings Canyon. At our physical campsite we mostly found smaller things like hair ties and bottle caps that had been left behind at or around the provided bear boxes. When walking around the visitor center (which included a market, laundromat, and showers) we picked up a few loose newspapers and paper scraps. It was surprising that most of the trash we found was on the physical trails as opposed to around the campsites or visitor centers. On the Tokopah Falls trail we found 6 empty plastic water bottles nestled in between rocks!! SIX!! What the heck! The trail wasn't even that long! What do people do? Just enjoy the beautiful scenery, chug their water, and then chuck it!?!? Aye yai yai! 

Looking sad with three of the water bottles found behind rocks at the end of the Tokopah Falls Trail. 

Looking sad with three of the water bottles found behind rocks at the end of the Tokopah Falls Trail.